Saturday, March 28, 2009

#26 4th Student Council Investiture

A leader is some one who has the ability to inspire others to achieve tasks and goals that they might not other wise be capable of reaching.

Leadership is great men and women with certain preferred traits influencing followers to do what the leaders wish in order to achieve group/organizational goals that reflect excellence defined as some kind of higher level effectiveness.

Wednesday marked my last year, as a councillor. In a way or two, it also marks the end of my council journey. I guess after everything, council still has become a part of me. My council life was never a bed of roses, i remember times where i would get so fed up about council and have no drive anymore, but just that Wednesday as i looked back on my journey has a councillor, i believe it has all been worthwhile.

From those happy moments to the selfless service moments and to the crashing down moments, i've been through everything. I was involved in the first P6 invitation, led the 2nd P6 invitation on my own, ushered, recess duty, morning assembly duty, Sec1 Orientations in all my council years, Council Board planning and the last one - Council Room planning, which is still on going.

Through these council years, I honestly have learnt a lot, not only about myself or my team mates but also learn qualities that might be able to take me far in life. I admit, i'm a silent reader. I might not be like the powerful kind with strong influence but i know, i'm someone who reads through situations and decide on the next move.

It is through council where i can say, my true friends are formed. Friends that care for me, support and trust me. It is through council where i felt the sense of belonging in school. Mister Low once shared with me that in all ways, the school leaders and teachers love me for being the school fan, in other words the school ambassador. The friends i met in council not only molded me but thought me to look at things from a different perspective and to remain positive all the time. Sometimes, i can never imagine what my life would be revolving on, if not for council. Yes, i would be a student, but would I be as active as in CCA? Would I be able to have the chance to take leadership? Would i be able to have the chance to show my gratitude and appreciation to KuoChuan? Would i get the chance to get to know more friends and teachers better? Would I ever have the courage to step into the matter and say, 'Stop, we're going the wrong direction'. My answer would be, Nope.

In Primary School, I began to fear teachers and soon after, i was just protected in my own shell, running back to it every time i sense danger. But now, even though at times i still fear, i know that there are always people around me to comfort me.

Thankyou, 4th Student Council,
It has been a milestone, recorded in my life book.

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