The last and best Founders' Day at Kuo Chuan. I still would believe its days like such that will make you feel proud to be a KCPian and also where you feel a great sense of belonging towards the school even though sometimes I can say so directly, "you know what, this school spells yucks." I've grown up in KCP, journeyed through Founders' Day 10 times! Time has flew past, it doesn't seem like it has been 10 years but how am i trying to kid? In other words you can say I've been a KCPian all my life and would always be one.
This years' founders' day theme is " Celebrating His Goodness, Sharing His Blessings" and to be honest, I don't think Founders Day ever meant something to me. It was just an unusual day full of speeches and a day to showcase how great the school is when sometimes I wondered how on earth can the school be THAT great.
But my impression and everything else has changed. I was having lunch with Sunshine during my free period on Wednesday, and she casually questioned me, "Are you proud to be a KCPian? Are you happy to be one?" I had a weird reaction and replied, "What do you think? How many times have i complained to you about how horrid KCPians are?, Maybe a little, that's all." It dawned on me later that many years down the road, when i tell my children where I was from, I would say i'm a 10 year KCPian, and whether at that time KCP is a great school or some gangster school or a school that no longer exists depends on us now.
During Tamil, Mr Kalai insisted that since it was Founders' Day we are to relax and not do any work and also because the next day's Labour Day. So he showed us clips after clips and the first one was on Founders' Day and about the school's achievements so far. We were the first few to watch it because it was to be shown at Mr Low's talk later. And goodness! It was fantastic! It was as if successes after successes, all the golds! & even gold with honors! God really has blessed the school so abundantly, and when i saw the video i replied Sunshine, "You know what - I'm proud to be a KCPian, really. Look at how much God has blessed our school man!" God has been good, really.
During Mr Low's talk, it was indeed wonderful. Sang and sang and sang, everyone was singing super loudly, worshiping Him especially with "Forever God is Faithful, Forever God is with us" song, I was totally :OO. Followed after was the cake cutting ceremony and the Birthday song, which totally rocked because I feel KCPians know how to rise to occasions - everyone was cheering, clapping, singing! The school song was sung, SUPER LOUDLY! Every Monday when you hear the school song you'll only hear thr choir sing but this time, we couldn't even hear the CD being played! The Benediction was great too,
You wouldn't know how great the whole event was unless you were part of it watching, but it defintely was a great and memorable one. The best in 4 years! God has been good to everyone of us! Have a blessed Founders' Day and let's pray that there would be many more to come! :)
Here's a video on Founders' Day
Thank God for the wonderful leaders, teachers, classmates, friends.
Without them, you'll be nothing.