Thursday, February 25, 2010

#116 Hope

I can't help but say, I'm really exhausted, dead tired, drained, battery flat zone. Really, thank God its Friday tomorrow. My ears feel like they need a break from the cries of children, my voice is screaming for attention. My hands are in plasters. My body is aching. I'm exhausted. Enough of chasing people out of the pool, enough of children screaming, enough of toilet trips, enough of stories, enough of food, enough of carrying children, enough of the playground, enough of the Sun.

I'm really, tired.
But my love for the children hasn't faded, and never will.

I wish I could glimpse the Council Investiture tomorrow but as my leaving approaches, my plate is a little too full with things to do. - that explains the long hours. So I guess I would have to give it a miss. Councillors, Have fun tomorrow. To those coming into the big family, its a decision you'll not regret making. To the seniors, its already your last year, leave that legacy behind! Time passed too fast, I'm no longer a councillor, my days in council have ended. So enjoy it while you still can. And to the new President who's coming up, you know I love you. :)

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